Senin, 24 Maret 2014

tugas writing.


I think if we want to write a paragraf with adequate and inadequate unity, we must know: how many words in the paragraf, and then what the meaning of the meaning of the words, and the important thing from the paragraf adequate and inadequate is we must know what the purpose from what the paragraf we write. And there is a three of component of paragrpahs namely : Topic Sentence, Body or supporting sentence, and concluding sentence.

Describing ourself.

My name’s: Ni Ketut Saptariani. I’m a cheerful girl. Always smile with the other people. I don’t stuck girl. I’m friendly, I very like to help the other  people, I’m so sad if I see the people who need help but there is people want to help, and the last I always try and try to be better from the other people. I live in Metro city, on the small of boarding house on the teladan street 15A Metro city. But my true house in Rumbia. In the best thing about me, I think there is no, because I don’t know what the best think in my self. My hobby is sport like taekwondo, cooking, reading a book or komik, try a new something, and adventure. I do my interest hobby with taekwondo and adventure, because from adventure I can know where’s a good place, and from adventure I can go anywhere and then from taekwondo I can get the knoledge how to keep ourself. I don’t scared with adventure or taekwondo, because the two thing that make me more be brave to face our live and I always think, or For me live is adventure. Get more a good think in our live. My activity in free time is sometime  I get a trafelling but some time I watching a korean movie.
B: Identifying.
R: Description.

Senin, 17 Maret 2014

Name : Ni Ketut Saptariani.
SRN : 12340021.
Subject : writing 3.
Date : march, 18, 2014.

Topict : Modeling( characteristic of paragraf : narration, description, and eksposition. Identifying paragraf type).

1. Narrative text.

a. definition of narrative text.

Narrative is a text focusing some spesific participants that have several structural features making different from other genres. Narrative has a social function that is to tell stories either in present which is called present narrative, past events which called past narrative and  future which is called future narrative, to entertain the reader. Narrative is used most often in fables, myths and legends, detective stories, adventure stories, thrillers, and period dramas.

b. Generic structure of narrative text.

A narrative text consist of the following structures:
1. orientation : introducing the participants and informing the time and the place.
2. Complikation : describing the rising crises which the participants have to do with or among participant relationship in process of social interaction.
3. Resolution : showing the way of participant to solve the crises, better or worse.'
4. coda which summary.

c.  Language form of narrative text.

1. Using processes verbs : tell, says, narrates.
2. Using temporal conjuction : chronological order.
3. Using simple past tense : present tense, and future tense, present perfect, present continuous, past continuous.

d. Example of narrative text.

The legend of  hindus can’t eat cow.
on a day when humans doing a work fields , while cows duty cooking . but when the cow's was cooking , they tried to turn on the fire can not be lit .

until finally they make a covenant , if man is capable of doing the job then cow’s kitchen that will do the work of the fields and cooking man , because when cows cooking , they tried to turn on the fire can not be lit , until the end of the butt and a half feet of the white cow exposed to fire because the ash is never lit .

 until they finally give in to people, so they made ​​an agreement that the cow was the one that would work , and the man who will be cook . with the proviso that humans should not be eating them . because from cow  that supports the human in antiquity . delicious cow 's milk , as well as their energy that helps the human race to grow rice fields , thus the banned Hindu religious man kill or even eat beef because in Hinduism , the cow is the mother of mankind , and if we eat them together we just take our own mothers because cow is basically a form of Hindu god so we are obliged to respect and appreciate them .


a.      Definition of description or descriptive text.

Descriptive or description text is a text  to describing about something or place. In accordance with this definition, a descriptive paragraf can be scaled based on the three senses: Visual, auditory, and smell or called mood.

b.      Generic structure of description or descriptive text.

1.      Topic sentences.
2.      Supporting sentences.
3.      Concluding sentenses.
4.      Logical development.
c.       Language form of  description or descriptive text.

1.      Using linking verb or verb of senses such as look, smell, taste, ect.
2.      Using three parameter of senses: visual, auditory, and smell.
3.      Using spatial order in which prepisition precedes the verb and the subject.
4.      Using multiple tense based on the time: past, present, future.

d.      Example of description or descriptive text.

My everything in our life is my mother.
Topic sentence
My mother is beautiful person. She is not tall but not short, and she has curly hair and brown. Her eyes color are black  and her color skin color light brown, and she has a beautiful smile. Her weight likes 65kg.
Supporting sentence.
She is a very kind person. She is very lovely, friendly, patient, and she loves to help people. I love my mom, because she is a good example to me. She loves being in the pura, and she like cooking, and make a something new when she cooking. She is a very very  good person, wife and mother for me. She always takes care of  her family. She likes her house to be clean and organized. She a very organized person, and all things in the house are in the right place. She doesn't like messes.
Concluding sentence.
She always has a smile on her face. She is so sweet and lovely. I like when I am going to sleep or went I wake up or when I am going to go to school, she always give me a kiss, and when the family have a problem she always be with us to helps us and to give us all her love. I Love You mom...

Analitical Eksposition text.

a.      Definition of Analytical Exposition

Exposition is a text that elaborates the writer‘s idea about the phenomenon surrounding. Its social function is to persuade the reader that the idea is important matter.

b.      Generic Structure of Analytical Exposition

1. Thesis (introduction): Introducing the topic and indicating the writer’s position
2. Arguments (body): Explaining the arguments to support the writer’s position
3. Reiteration (conclusion): Restating the writer’s position

c.       Language Features of Analytical Exposition

1.      Using relational process-          Relationships between and among leaders, workers,                                                   followers, partners, co-workers, etc.  People knowing                                                 and caring about people.
2.      Using External conjunctions –enhancing by linking to real world events                                                                     (Holocaust, the Final Solution, death trains)
3.      Using internal conjunction –    elaborating and itemising steps in an argument                                                            (firstly… secondly .. next… finally)
4.      Using causal conjunction –      the cause of an event…. Because
5.      Using Contrastive conjunction – but… nevertheless
6.      Using Simple Present Tense     

d.      Example of analitical exposition.

The power of  music in our life.
Do you agree that music is important in our life? Of course Yes I do, music has certain role completing our day to day activities, and I think any more our activities you are doing in every day but every time you are doing with listen the music. Music has many type, happy music, sadness music, love music, and any more but I don’t know what is it.  Here are I think any  some reasons why music is heard everywhere and anywhere.
Music is the way to expresing our feelings. When we fall in love, the kind of the music we would  listen is all about love, with romantis song and make a world have our self. When we’re sad, we would go for music that is melancholic in nature and immerse ourselves in the sadness. When we’re happy, we’d choose songs with happy tunes too. And do you know?  with music too we can know, how the feeling a person had a different character in every day. As they are sad, happy, or falling in love. We can know what they are felling. Believe or not, I think. !!!
if you know, Song can help to memorize the last experiences in our life. A favorite song is a powerful documentary. People more be fasted remebering the music instead of remembering what the material they are get in school. One of, believe or not!!!   For example, an elderly woman who couldn’t even remember her husband’s name would remember the details of her favorite song; when it was played, how it made her feel and things about the song that made it especially memorable for her.
Further, music can unite people for a cause and changes the world. A song with good lyric and striking deep chord can stimulate the universal feeling of all people. We can see it in the case of the famous and legendary Michael Jacson's Heal the World. It can arouse humanism of a lot people in this world.

So what should we do if  the world will be without music?
I thinl the world It would be lonely. Are agree with me!!! -__-“

Rabu, 12 Maret 2014


G          D
mungkinkah kau tahu
 Em                 Bm
rasa cinta yang kini membara
C             A
yang masih tersimpan
     D      C Bm Am
dalam lubuk jiwa

G       D
ingin kunyatakan
 Em                  Bm
lewat kata yang mesra untukmu
C             A
namun ku tak kuasa
     D    C     Bm Am
untuk melakukannya
           G           D
mungkin hanya lewat lagu ini
Em           Bm
akan kunyatakan rasa
  C              A
cintaku padamu rinduku padamu
   D      C Bm Am
tak bertepi
           G           D
mungkin hanya sebuah lagu ini
    Em           Bm
yang slalu akan kunyanyikan
 C             A
sebagai tanda betapa aku
    D       C Bm Am
inginkan kamu

G D Em Bm C A D E

           A           E
mungkin hanya lewat lagu ini
F#m          C#m
akan kunyatakan rasa
  D              B
cintaku padamu rinduku padamu
   E      D C#m Bm
tak bertepi

           A            E
mungkin hanya sebuah lagu ini
    F#m          C#m
yang slalu akan kunyanyikan
 D             B
sebagai tanda betapa aku
    E       D C#m Bm
inginkan kamu



When you see me, I can see you too.
When you hear me, I can hear you too.
When you don't love me, but I love you.

           I love you, I like your body, I love all of you.
           But when you know  about my feeling, 
           you said, "I don't want to get relationship".
          I'm so sad about that, I'm tears every time and everywell.

 yOu know, I Iike you for a long time. 
At the first time I saw you until now. 
but you never care about my feeling.
In here, I like you.


My Biodata.


Nama: Ni Ketut Saptariani.
T.T.L : Rantau Jaya Ilir,25 oktober 1994.

Nama orang tua:
                           Ayah : I Made Dasna..
                           Ibu : Nengah Sumarni.
                           Alamat Rumah : Mekar Jaya, kec.putra rumbia. kab.lam_teng.
                           Pekerjaan orang tua : petani.

Hoby : Masak, dengerin musik, taekwondo, baca buku, novel, komik, koran, dll.
Cita-cita : jadi seorang guru yang baik, cerdas, dan kompeten.
motto : tidak ada keberhasilan tanpa usaha.
no telp :085669830040.
Jumlah saudara  :
                          Saudara 1 : Niluh Sukartini.
                          Saudara 2 : Kadek Rinarti.
                          Saudara 3 : I Nyoman Rinarta.