Writing assigment 8.
Before we talk about copy paste, Sometimes I remember that my
teacher in SMA talk about cheating. He said that copypaste have a same meaning
with cheating. Cheating or copypaste is that the vast majority of young people
and adults for that matter, believe that cheating is wrong. Yet, by nearly
every poll, most young people cheat at least once in their high school career.
So, the most important question is why do young people be have in ways that are
inconsistent with their stated beliefs? I believe the answer to this lies in a
survival instinct. I am not a psychologist, but I believe there is a mechanism
within each of us which triggers a need to "save face." Saving face
can mean a desire to save one self from the angry assault of a parent or teacher,
it can mean avoiding embarrassment, it
can mean economic survival or a perceived pressure be it self-inflicted or
inflicted by some other extraneous
force. Nowadays, college
acceptance is the major instigator of this survival instinct. They might cheat
because they find a lesson or a course to be meaningless -having no perceived
relevance to their lives. They might also cheat because they belief something
is unfair, so feel justified in cheating.
So, In here I’ll give you some reason, why student do copypaste
or cheating. The first one is:
1. Students cheat or
copypaste when value is placed on grades instead of learning.
It meaning that student that feel master of a topic is emphasized instead of performance
on assessments will work to master a concept. When the emphasis is on grades
students are more likely to cheat.
2. 2. Students cheat or
copypaste when they lack confidence with their ability.
Sometimes student think
that they cannot do well on a test, either they are not smart enough, or they
lack some skills they need. It creates a feeling that they will fail, and their
only option to do well is to cheat.
3. 3. Students cheat or copy
paste when they feel pressure to do well.
With only the best
intentions parents and teachers often compel students to get good grades and
pushing to get into the best colleges. But the high stress succeed at all costs
mentality creates the innate feeling to cheat in order to meet the
4. 4. Students who feel they
are part of a school community are less likely to cheat.
As students feel
comfortable being a part of a school and included in the school community, they value the school.
According to Challenge Succes,
honesty and integrity kicks in, regardless of how they are doing in their
classes, because they value the learning community.
5. 5. Students who feel their
teacher cares are less likely to cheat.
This is all about the
perception of the student. When students perceive they have a teacher that
cares about them, and exhibits competence, they are less likely to cheat.
However, regardless of whether the teacher does care or not, if the student
perceives that the teacher does not, they are more inclined to cheat.
like now, I do copypaste
on internet, because I must searching about why students do copypaste or cheating,
because I don’t have a good reverence to learn this topic. Why I chose this
topic, because I’m interestng with this topic. Honesty I like to do cheating or
copypaste. from my reason, I think almost the student ever do cheating or copypaste but don't all of them brave to honesty what they're doing.
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